
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Insightful Exchanges with one of my Blog Readers

Please sir what can you say about the Nigerian man that kills his wife by throwing her into a pit latrine?
My Response:
Dear "Reader" any form of violence is condemnable and must be addressed by the society. There is therefore need to strengthen the justice system and provide relevant forensic medical services that will support the justice system in dealing with cases of this nature. It's a shame that some humans, for whatever reasons, get so low and appear to have a level of appreciation of life lower than that of animals. And let me make it clear, no one, for whatever reasons, has any right to violate another person or even contemplate taking the life of others. There are mechanisms set in our laws, culture and social ethos for resolving conflicts and none includes killing the other person. Domestic violence is a huge problem in Nigeria and most of Africa and shamefully the police and justice system that should intervene at some earlier stages, awkwardly term it "domestic affairs" until someone turns out dead like the case you cited. We all need to be advocates for the establishment of fully funded and functional Child and Women Protection Agencies by the State so that early signs of abuse could be tracked and survivors could tell their stories.
Sir, i believe he may not have done that deliberately, but now that it has happened, the woman is no more and probably they have kids, if this husband is arrested what is going to become of the children? Truly, prevention is far and much more better than cure. This is a complicated issue.
My Response:
A lot of women have gone through untold hardship and abuse in the hands of their husbands or partners and either endured or suffered in silence or eventually ended up in the morgue with one of the main considerations for not taking appropriate action at the right time being "for the sake of their kid(s)". We shouldn't perpetrate the myth that arrest of the abuser(s) and bringing them to justice would hurt any kids. These kids are already damaged by the trauma of witnessing and even experiencing the abuse themselves. The State needs to urgently save these kids from further damage by these perpetrators of abuse. This is what a funded and functional Child and Women Protection Agencies seek to accomplish. Relevant forensic medical evaluation strongly supports this service. Meanwhile, whether the homicide was deliberate or not will be left to the justice process at the Court of Law to decide. We shouldn't make any excuses for any alleged abuse as it fuels more abuse and usually results in a fatal outcome.

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