
Friday, May 30, 2014

Some Monster Virus has Infected Humanity!

I’ve had a very bad time for a couple of days now. It is still a futile attempt trying to make any sense of this hogwash. I can’t just comprehend it, in the name of anything, that a family could, without any forms of reservation, savagely bludgeon their daughter to a brutal death in Pakistan simply for not marrying family preferred suitor against her own wish. They killed her in broad daylight for “honour”?! No, this act is obviously sub-human and shame on all the people that have condone this level of violence against women for all times; shame on such culture that destroys the very reason for a culture; and shame on government agency which has demonstrated a lack of interest to intervene and save the defenseless. “We were shouting for help, but nobodylistened. One of my relatives took off his clothes to capture police attentionbut they didn’t intervene. They watched Farzana being killed and did nothing.”

Humans are not made for culture or religion; rather these fluid concepts exist because humans give them life and their controlling power. We created this dehumanizing monster and it has literally caused obvious insanity. Even animals protect their own.  And the most chilling of this all: she was pregnant at the time of this utmost degradation of human dignity. This absurdity has been overlooked for too long. It has to stop forthwith!

On this side of the world, another woman is awaiting the hangman’s noose for both the "crime of adultery" (because her marriage to a Christian is not recognized by Islamic Sharia law of Sudan) and "apostasy" (because she renounced the religion of her father who, as reported, abandoned her and she was raised by her Christian mother). Ibrahim (Meriam Ibrahim) denied the charges, telling the court shewas the daughter of a Sudanese Muslim man and an Ethiopian Christian woman, andhad been brought up as a Christian after her father left when she was six. She refused to renounce her faith. Incidentally, she was also pregnant at the time of her cruel sentencing to 100 lashes for adultery and to be hanged for apostasy. Recent news indicated she has given birth in shackles. Indeed, humanity is in shackles for watching helplessly as deranged individuals and their systems desecrate fundamental rights that confer on us the very tag of humans.

In all these instances across the world, a common underlying factor is being a woman; being a female. From religion to culture and to other tools of oppression, women have been regarded as “objects” for possession; a property of their family to trade off for some goods or favours or a property of a man who buys her (is it married?) to indulge his pleasure at the expense of her dignity and equality in status. Therefore her life must be controlled. She is to blame for the failings of any man and she becomes a problem from which a man must be saved. It is all in the twisted teachings of most of these religions which have imperceptibly become “culture”. Violence against women, in the name of culture or religion or any other discoloration must be stopped if humanity would not go into extinction earlier than expected. We are fast driving to the cliff by this unwarranted, uninformed and bestial attacks and violence against women. Biology or any other science has not proven any inferiority of women to men. If anything, it is more of greater capacity of women to undertake functions that preserve humanity.

I am calling on younger generations, most of who have been brought up in one form of religion/culture or the other, to rise up in unison, hold hands together and condemn violence against women. We have seen through the manipulative and divisive tendencies of these religions and cultures and when we look at ourselves, we all share the same attributes of humanity irrespective of our gender or other tags that have been placed upon us. This monster virus wants us to see ourselves differently, violently and in class segregation, but we can work together to destroy this germ and rid our system of this vicious infection that has turned us against ourselves and ultimately strips us of our humanity through some bestial acts. It is time we administered a massive dose of appropriate therapy in curtailing this monster as we make a bold and truthful declaration of our stand.

We are equals; we are humane; we are humanity!

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