In Soweto uprising of 1976, thousands of black school children marched in protest against the poor quality of their education. Many years after "independence" (and we are now "in charge" of our own destiny) has there been any change? The situation has gotten worse, in most cases, for the African child. Shown in the pictures above captured by Punch Newspaper photographer less than a week ago were school children of Idimu Community Primary School at the heart of a State that brands itself as the "Centre of Excellence" in Nigeria. You could just imagine what would be going on in the non-"Centre of Excellence" States. This represents the fate of many public schools and the sorry state of Africa children in the post-colonial era. Our kids are getting very unfair deal considering the vast amount of resources available to nation states in Africa. Public school system, in most cases, has completely broken down and school pupils right from primary school level have found solace in cultism and other social vices in order to find some meaning to the deplorable condition around them. A few who can afford the prohibitive cost, send their children to private schools. One of my blog readers from the Northern part of Nigeria sent me a thought provoking comment on the pervasive "almajirai" syndrome in the North thus: "The issue of almajirai is a burning one up North, and I think it represents an end, on the continuum of child abuse and neglect. It also highlights the plight of the African child. Any negative thing you can think of, can be found in an almajirai population (poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition, infections, infestations, substance abuse, conduct disorders, reckless sexual behavior etc). These same African Children (almajirai) are available as guns for hire, to perpetrate violence in the society. Our children and future generation are not safe if we don't make the continent a safe and conducive place for all children. Here is my own poser sir, The African Child..What Hope For The Future?"
Her poser captures the urgency of need for a collaborative action to save African children from a perpetual "life sentence" of abuse and neglect through generations.
Whom do we blame this time round for the worsening state of the Africa child in a rich continent, where our "brothers and sisters" are now in power?
Whom do we blame for the lack of basic infrastructure for care of children?
Whom do we blame for the outrageous child mortality rate in Africa?
Whom do we blame for prevailing malnutrition and failure to thrive in African children?
Whom do we blame for abysmal standard of education in our public schools?
Whom do we blame for absence of child protection services?
Whom do we blame for churning out a damaged generation of child soldiers?
Whom do we blame this time round?
I blame myself.
I'm ashamed by the pitiable state of the African child I see daily.
We have betrayed our children.
We can't afford to continue this way.
It's our Collective Responsibility to make that much needed change in our little corners.
The time is NOW!
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